Monday, November 29, 2010

Movie Scene Nominee (week 5) - Meet Joe Black

The movie opens with an introduction to the guide, Bill Parrish (Anthony Hopkins), who doubts that he will live for many more years. Indeed, he is approached in his home and work by what he thinks are hallucinations, wherein Death himself has come with the intention of escorting him to the afterlife. Bill, touched by his dream-like brush with mortality, expresses his desire for his daughter, Susan (Claire Forlani), to live a life with passion. She is considering marriage, but her father is not favorably impressed by her relationship. When she asks for the short version of his impassioned speech, he simply says, "Stay open. Who knows? Lightning could strike!"

Shortly after hearing this advice, Susan meets a vibrant young man (Brad Pitt) with whom she is instantly enamored. Immediately after this encounter (and unbeknownst to her), the man dies in a collision with two cars. Death returns to Bill's home in the form of the young man, explaining that Bill's impassioned speech has piqued his interest after an eternity of boredom. Given Bill's "competence, experience, and wisdom", Death has chosen him and tells Bill that in return for a delay, Bill shall be his guide on Earth. Notably, during his time on Earth, Death's personality alters to become mildly curious, ruminative, and gentle, having been worldly, sardonic, and arrogant until he revealed his appearance.

Crazy Scene in "Meet Joe Black"

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